Compliance & Ethical Trading

In order to maintain social compliance and ethical trading Capto Sports is a certified member of below auditing bodies.

sedex member

SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) is a system meant to make supply chains more transparent and fair. This database is a globally recognized online platform for the transparent exchange of information on the social and ethical sustainability of companies.

In order to maintain our membership with SEDEX database, we have been independently audited annually according to the SMETA4 Pillar guidelines in our factory.

SMETA stands for SEDEX Member Ethical Trading Audit and is one of the most widely used audit concepts in the world.

Being a member supplier, we have the opportunity to share our SMETA audit reports with other members and customers.

Through this membership we show our customers and partners that we work according to the principles of ethically and socially sustainable production and thus contribute to a significant improvement of ethically responsible business practices along the entire value chain.


SMETA is set of guideline or principles based on 4 pillar approach to conduct Sedex Members Ethical Trading Audit. 

It is based on set of protocol for high-quality audits, to be used in conjunction with current established ethical audit practices. 

The SMETA Audit Methodology

SMETA audits use the ETI Base Code, founded on the conventions of the International Labour Organization, as well as relevant local laws. SMETA audits can be conducted against two or four auditing pillars

The two pillars mandatory for any SMETA audit are Labor Standards and Health & Safety. The two additional pillars of a 4-pillar audit were introduced to further deepen the social responsibility aspect of SMETA audits.

A SMETA 2-pillar audit comprises the following modules:

  • Labor Standards
  • Health and Safety
  • Additional Elements:
    • Management Systems
    • Entitlement to Work
    • Subcontracting and Homeworking
    • Environmental assessment (shortened)

A SMETA 4-pillar audit covers the above elements, plus:

  • Environmental assessment (extended)
  • Business Ethics

ISO 9001:2015 Member

ISO 9001:2015 is an international standard dedicated to Quality Management Systems (QMS). 

It outlines a framework for improving quality and a vocabulary of understanding for any organization looking to provide products and services that consistently meet the requirements and expectations of customers and other relevant interested parties in the most efficient manner possible. 

The QMS is the aggregate of all the processes, resources, assets, and cultural values that support the goal of customer satisfaction and organizational efficiency.